Display Poll Results on Page

If you chose the 'default' Poll template from when you inserted your poll on a page, the poll results will already be included on the page.

Here is the default result:

Poll Quiz Module

If you click on the default results a popup window provides them:

Poll Quiz Module

However, you may want to show visitors the results of the latest Poll on a separate page

Follow the steps from here, but select the Poll Result from the Curly bracket options

From the popup, select the curly bracket to display. Choose Poll Result from the curly bracket options.

  • 1
    From the popup, select the curly bracket to display. Choose Poll Result from the curly bracket options.
    Poll Quiz Module
  • 2
    Select poll answers to display poll results on a page and select the template
  • 3
    After doing the above, the result of poll answers will be rendered on the Preview on the right
  • 4
    Note: If there is one poll answer only, the result will be displayed as text on your page
  • 5
    If there are multiple poll answers, the results will be displayed as a pie chart on your page
    Poll Quiz Module
  • 6
    Click the Insert button
  • 7
    Click Save And Close as you would normally save a page update
  • 8
    Your Poll results will be displayed on the page