This can help in selling advertising space or promoting user products
1Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
Learn how to log in here → -
2From the left sidebar, go to Modules > Rotating Images
3Once you select 'Rotating Images', it should go to the 'Rotating Image Group Management' page. On here you can select the rotating image group you are trying to update.
4Click on the 'Show Group Images'icon beside the group
5On the 'Rotating Image Group Management' page of the group you selected, you should see the images being used on that particular group
6Hover over the image you want to remove
7Click on the 'Delete image' icon to remove it
8A pop up message will show to confirm if you want to continue removing the image
9Click OK
10A message pops up to let you know that the image has been removed successfully.
11Reload/refresh the page where the rotating images are displayed.