Edit any or all items below:
- Event- select the event you are creating the schedule for - the event created above/recently - from the options.
- Title- enter the title of the event schedule.
- One-Day Event- put a check if the event is for one day only.
- Start Date- enter the first day of the event, including the start time and end time.
- End Date- enter the last day of the event, including the start time and end time.
- Event Timezone- select the correct time zone from the dropdown options, or you can tick the "Use Location Timezone" checkbox to have your event use the preferred location's timezone
- (Use Location TimeZone) -
tick this (optional) if you wish to use the location timezone to create a new one. Learn how to create a new location here.
- Presenter - select the presenter of the event from the options or click the
- Participation Fee enter the price value for the event.
- Ticket Pool - select the ticket pool of the event from the options or click the
to create a new one. Learn how to create a new ticket pool here.
- Max Attendees enter the maximum number of attendees for this event. If Max Attendees is set to 0, the max attendee is unlimited.
- Disable Payment put a check to disable payment for the event.
- Hide Schedule select to hide the event schedule if needed