Renewal Reminders

Renewal Reminders are automated and can be configured to be sent to members who have not renewed either based on the fixed membership end date, or on their membership expiry date. You can also ‘pause’ membership renewals until the organisation is ready for renewals (start reminder).

The date the renewals are sent is controlled by a series of positive and negative numbers based on the expiry date. Eg: 30, 60, and 90 would mean reminders are sent 30, 60 and 90 days after the renewal has expired. -30, 0, and 15 would have reminders sent 30 days prior to expiry, at the date of expiry and 15 days after expiry.

Members and Administrators can be sent reminders. Emailing administrators allow members who are not renewing to be manually reminded by membership secretaries if required.

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If members don’t renew, you can limit access to your website. If the member does not renew x days/weeks or years after expiry, they can be sent to a renewal page. If the member still doesn’t renew, you can disable all access to members-only areas of the site.

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Members who don’t renew can also have their membership type or status changed. This allows membership secretaries to quickly identify members who have passed the membership renewal process.

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