Tickets and the Workflow Engine


tickets image
  • Mailboxes are configured as ticket boxes, for example,, or, any email address can be used
  • The Workflow engine connects to the mailbox and imports from the mailbox using IMAP or POP3 to create tickets for each enquiry
  • Each enquiry then appears in the ticket listing for handling by team members
  • Tickets have a range of statuses depending on the status of the ticket
  • Tickets can be responded to using canned responses

What is the Purpose of the Ticket Workflow Engine?

  • Any emails sent to your website can be managed through the Tickets Workflow Engine.
  • The engine supports multiple different ticket types, canned responses and the ability to automate the processing and management of enquiries and requests from customers and leads.

Ticket Types

  • Every email sent as a request can be tagged as a Type
  • The types define which email address is used for the pickup of the enquiries
  • Each Ticket Type requires a separate Ticket Mailbox

Ticket Mailboxes

  • Mailboxes are just temporary storage locations for tickets
  • Generally, you will have an email address configured for customers to contact your organisation
  • The same mailbox can be used to generate the tickets
  • You can have multiple mailboxes which can then be used to manage different ticket types, for example, sales@ service@ etc.

How To Manage Workflow Engine Mailbox

  • Go to the Menu and type 'Ticket Mailboxes'.   Ticket-mailboxes-search
  • You can also find the 'Ticket Mailboxes' by navigating through Settings >> Ticket Engines >> Ticket Mailboxes.    Ticket-mailboxes-Settings
  • Click the 'Ticket Mailboxes', this will redirect you to the Ticket Engine Mailbox Management.   Ticket-mailboxes-Management
  • Click the "Create New Ticket Engine Mailbox" button to create a new one.   Ticket-mailboxes-Create Button
  • This will redirect to the Create Ticket Engine Mailbox page .   Ticket-mailboxes-Configure
  • Click the Edit icon if there is an Existing Ticket Engine Mailbox that you want to configure.   Ticket-mailboxes-Edit

Setup Oauth for Outlook Account

The instruction video can be found here.

Step 1: Register an application

Detail Steps can be found at:

  • For this step, you will need access to the mailbox you need and register in Azure Portal.
  • Get the Application Id, Redirect URI/URL and Client Secret.
  • Go to and access the created application:    
    Step 1  

  • Click on the application and it will redirect you to Overview page:
    • The Application (client) ID is the Application Id.
    • The Directory (tenant) ID is the Tenant Id.
    • You click on the Redirect URIs to get the Redirect URI, in this case, I set it Step 1.2  
  • Click on Certificates & secrets to get the Client Secret:
    You can only get this the first time, then store it in a secure location. If you cannot remember it, you can create a new one.
    Note: The client secret only lives for maximum 730 days (2 years), so we may need to manually refresh it to make sure the API works (I use may as I’m not sure if the API will not work after 730 days).
    Step 1.3  

Step 2: Get access token and refresh token

Step 2.1: Get the code to request tokens

The goal of this step is to get the code to use to get the refresh token and access token.


Sample URL(Paste this in your browser):{tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize?client_id={client_id}&response_type=code&redirect_uri={redirect_url}&response_mode=query&scope=offline_access%20 ser.All%


The value needed for the request are:

  • tenant_id : it’s the tenant id from step 1
  • client_id : it’s the application id from step 1
  • response_type : code
  • redirect_uri : the redirect url you set up from the first step, I set it
  • scope : offline_access%20
    to have the permission for read/write emails from Outlook

Then, you paste this link to Google Chrome and it will redirect you to the Microsoft Login page, you need to login and it will redirect you to the Redirect URL, then you copy the redirect url to get the code (highlighted in yellow), for example:
Sample of what you will see, this is not the actual code to use in your setup
Sample URL

Step 2.2: Get Access token and refresh token

After having the code, we can send an API request to get both the access token and refresh token, as below image:

Step 2  


Please use postman to get the response. The parameters below should be in the BODY of the request.


  • client_id: you get it from Step 1
  • scope: offline_access
  • code: you get it from Step 2.1
  • redirect_url: you set it up in Step 1
  • grant_type : authorization_code
  • client_secret: you set it up in Step 1

After this step, you can get both access_token and refresh_token.

  • The access_token is used to request for the Microsoft Graph API, but it has expiry date and time.
  • The refresh_token cannot be used to request API, but it can be used to get the access_token again without getting a new code manually. The refresh_token lives for 90 days and every time you use the refresh_token to get the new access_token, Microsoft will return you a new refresh token, you should replace the old one with the new one, so that it will never expire.
    As the schedule to get the tickets is running every 10 minutes, you shouldn’t worry about the expiry time of the refresh token.

For this step, after we get the refresh token manually, we will store the refresh token (with expiry time) in the DB of WebEd9, so we can reuse it and update it for future usage.

Step 3: Create the Mailbox with token information

Step 3.1: Create mailbox in Ticket Engine Mailbox Management

  • Name: Can be anything: Industrial AWG or using email
  • Type: POP3 - OAuth
  • Host:
  • Port: 995
  • Use SSL: true
  • Username:
  • OAuth Type: Microsoft
  • Tenant Id: get from Step
  • Client Id: get from Step 1
  • Client Secret: get from Step 1
  • Redirect Url: get from Step 1
  • Refresh Token: get from Step 2.2
Step 3

Step 3.2: Create ticket type in Ticket Engine Type Management

  • Go to the Menu and type 'Ticket Types'. Ticket Listing
  • Click the 'Ticket Types', this will redirect you to the Ticket Engine Management.
  • Then configure the following:

Task: Simple Storage
Name: ticket type name
Ticket Engine Mailbox: choose the mailbox you created in Step 3.1
Admin Email: the email of the admin who will handle the tickets

Step 3.2

Access another mailbox on the same Directory

If the mailbox you are trying to access is in the same directory, then we can just use the same application we previously created in Azure Portal. We just need to create a separate Client Secret and Refresh Token for the other mailbox user. To do this follow the steps below:

  • Go to and access the created application:  Access another mailbox
  • Click on Certificates & secrets to get a NEW Client Secret.
  • Once you have the Client secret, repeat Step 2 but use the new user email address you need and the new Client Secret.
  • This step makes sure that only the mailbox of the user will be accessed when we pass tha authorization to the Mailbox.
  • hen continue the whole process from Step 2 unti Step 3.2.

Background Task Explained

  • The background task "Email Processing Task" is used to process emails that come into the ticket mailbox defined
  • Each ticket mailbox can have none, one or many workflow engine ticket type/s
  • Every time the background task run, it will get all the ticket boxes that have workflow engine ticket type/s..
  • Recommendations on how often it should be configured to run: Use whatever the default time is set, as for the Email Processing Task, the interval seconds is 600 seconds. To understand more on how to configure the Background Task please click here.

Processing Steps

Creating Tickets

  • With each mailbox, connect to the mailbox and get all the emails from the box
    • With each email, get the email info (to address, from address, subject, content, ...)
    • If the email cannot be read - failure (the email is too big or any reason) → an error ticket is created, this ticket does not have contact
  • Get all the items not yet processed from the current mailbox and create a ticket for each, note only emails with a To, CC or BCC Address matching the valid ticket types will create a ticket
  • Determine whether this email is a new email or a reply to a previous ticket.
  • Each outbound email from the ticketing engine has a generated subject line for the ticket type
    • example [Support #123-789] - This is a "Support" type ticket, the Ticket ID is 123 and the Support Log ID is 789.
  • If this email has a ticket-generated subject line it is a reply and is added to the existing ticket, if not a new ticket is created.

The Email Process

  • From the ticket and the ticket log that has just been created above, we generate:
    • The email subject with the format: [WorkflowTag #TicketId-TicketLogId] Subject
    • The attachments
    • Determine the email, name and contact for the receiver
  • Update for the ticket log (update the receiver info)
  • Finally, create an email queue to notify the admin there is a new ticket (this email queue will be sent via email sending background task)
  • Finally, delete the email from the mailbox

Assignment Emails

  • From the ticket and the ticket log that has just been created above, we determine the email, name and contact for the receiver
  • Update for the ticket log (update the receiver info)
  • Get the student assignment for this ticket (based on the ticket id).
  • If there is no assignment → this is submitted as an assignment
    • Check if this is submitted by a student or not?
    • If so → Run the submit assignment flow by email (based on the ticket log)
    • If no → Update the ticket to NULL type (Invalid ticket)
  • If there is an assignment, we will check if this is a student re-submits assignment or the tutor giving feedback to the admin (other cases cannot be controlled by workflow engine ticket)
    • If this is a re-submitting assignment by a student → Run the re-submit assignment flow by email (based on the ticket log)
    • If this is feedback by the tutor → Run the feedback returned by tutor flow by email (based on the ticket log)
  • Generate:
    • The email subject with the format: [WorkflowTag #TicketId-TicketLogId] Subject
    • The attachments
  • Finally, create an email queue for the ticket log (this email queue will be sent via email sending background task)
  • In some cases, the email queue cannot be created:
  • → We will delete the ticket and ticket log
  • Finally, delete the email from the mailbox

Invalid Emails

In some cases, an invalid ticket will be created. This can happen when you drag an email from another mailbox to a question mailbox.

  • An invalid ticket will be created for this email.
  • This ticket does not belong to any type (assignment or question) and the receiver (email to) is not specific.
  • No email is created either.
  • Admin user can reassign this ticket to the correct ticket type (in CRM - ticket management)
  • When a ticket is re-assigned an email will be generated and sent
  • The invalid email is deleted from the mailbox

Workflow Engine Management and Test Plans

How To Manage Workflow Engine Mailbox

How to create new mailbox

  • Go to Settings -> Workflow Engines -> Workflow Engines Mailboxes

    Managing Workflow

    Managing Workflow

  • Click Create New Workflow Engine Mailbox

    Managing Workflow
  • Enter name, select type, enter host, port, check user SSL(optional), enter the username and password
  • Click Create
  • A new workflow engine mailbox is created

    Managing Workflow

How to edit/view details/delete a mailbox

  • Go to Settings >> WorkflowEngines >> Workflow Engines Mailboxes
  • Click Edit/View Details/Delete button on the row you want

    Managing Workflow

57 - Test plan manage the mail box (PASS)

Target Release 9.0
JIRA issue
Document status DRAFT
Document owner Phung Dinh (Unlicensed)
Developers Minh Nguyen (Unlicensed)
Enter your name Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

(Use @ above to add someone by name)

What are we testing

  • Testing for managing the mailbox


  • Login as CRM admin successfully


# Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Test By (use @) Date Notes
1 Go to Settings >> WorkflowEngines >> Workflow Engines Mailboxes

List of mailboxes appears


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

06 Aug 2016

2 Click Create New Workflow Engine Mailbox

Create screen for mailbox appears


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

06 Aug 2016


Enter name, select type, enter host, port, check user SSL(optional), enter the username, password
Click Create

Create successfully


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

06 Aug 2016


Click the Edit icon on a row in the list of mailbox

Edit screen appears


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

06 Aug 2016

6 Click Save

Update mailbox successfully


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

06 Aug 2016


Click the View Details icon on a row in the list of mailbox

The Details screen appears correctly


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

06 Aug 2016


Click the Delete icon on a row in the list of mailbox

Details screen appears with a message to confirm deleting


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

06 Aug 2016

9 Click OK

If the mailbox doesn't have related data => Delete successfully

If the mailbox has related data => Show an error message


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

06 Aug 2016

How To Manage Workflow Engine Type

How to create a new mailbox

  • Go to Settings >> WorkflowEngines >> Workflow Engines Types

    How To Manage Workflow
    class="clickable-image" How To Manage Workflow
  • Click Create New Workflow Engine Type

    How To Manage Workflow
  • Select the task, enter a name, enter a description, enter the email to
  • Enter the workflow tag, select the mailbox, enter the email forward, select the workflow engine save table to store the workflow engine information
  • Select an email from storage, select email subject storage, select email body storage, and check active(optional)
  • New workflow engine type created

    How To Manage Workflow

How to edit/view details/delete a workflow engine type

  • Go to Settings >> WorkflowEngines >> Workflow Engines Types
  • Click the Edit/View Details/Delete button on the row you want

    How To Manage Workflow

How to assign Workflow Engine to Course

  • Open Edit Course in BMS
How To Manage Workflow
  • Select the type of Workflow Engine Type for Simple Storage (Questions) and Assignment.
How To Manage Workflow

55 - Test plan manage the workflow engine type (PASS)

Target release 9.0
JIRA issue
Document status


Document owner

Phung Dinh (Unlicensed)


Minh Nguyen (Unlicensed)

Enter your name

(Use @ above to add someone by name)

What are we testing

  • Testing for managing workflow engine type


  • Login as CRM admin successfully


# Test Steps Expected Result Actual Result Test By (use @) Date Notes
1 Go to Settings >> WorkflowEngines >> Workflow Engines Types

List of workflow engine types appears

Pass Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

01 Feb 2017

2 Click Create New Workflow Engine Type

Create screen for type appears

Pass Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

01 Feb 2017

  • Select the task, enter a name, enter a description, enter email to,
  • Enter the workflow tag, select the mailbox, enter the email forward, select the workflow engine save table to store the workflow engine information
  • Select email from storage, select email subject storage, select email body storage, and check active(optional)
  • Click Create

Create successfully

Pass Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

01 Feb 2017


Click the Edit icon on a row in the list of mailbox

Edit screen appears

Pass Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

01 Feb 2017

6 Click Save

Update workflow engine type successfully

Pass Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

01 Feb 2017


Click the View Details icon on a row in the list of workflow engine type

The details screen appears correctly

Pass Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

01 Feb 2017


Click the Delete icon on a row in the list of workflow engine type

Details screen appears with a message to confirm deleting


01 Feb 2017

9 Click OK

If workflow engine type doesn't have related data => Delete successfully

If workflow engine type has related data => Show error message

Pass Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed) 01 Feb 2017

How To Manage Workflow Engine Ticket


This shows how ticket admins can manage the tickets submitted by users

  • Ticket Listing page
  • Create a Ticket
  • View Ticket details
  • Reply to Tickets
  • Delete a ticket
  • Re-assign a ticket
  • Resolve/Reopen a ticket
  • Merge tickets
  • Lock a ticket

How to view the tickets list and search for tickets

  • Go to CRM Portal>> Tickets >> Ticket Listing
    >> List all the tickets that are created on CRM/Student/Tutor portal or come or the emails that are sent to Assignments & Questions workflow engine types
  • In the Search region >> You can search Tickets by
    • Keyword (Contact Name/Email contains the keyword)
    • Workflow engine type
    • Status (Resolved or Not) - Unresolved is the default
Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

How to change the status of a ticket

  • Go to CRM Portal>> Tickets >> Ticket Listing

    Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
  • Click on the Edit Managing Workflow Engine Ticket icon

    Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
  • Select the status that you want to change

    Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
  • Click Save

    Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

How to view detail of a ticket

  • Go to CRM Portal >> Tickets >> Ticket Listing
  • Click on the View Details icon to the left of a ticket

    Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
  • Two situations that can happen:
    • If the ticket is an assignment >> go to the CRM/Student assignment details page
    • If not, go to the ticket details page

      Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
    • Ticket info on the top
    • Next to ticket logs
      • The last log is open as default
      • Click on the log subject to open or close a log
    • Per the ticket log, the admin will receive will have two button reply and forward

How to reply to a ticket

  • Go to CRM Portal >> Tickets >> Ticket Listing
  • Click on the Reply icon to the left of a ticket
  • You can only reply to question tickets

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

  • Go to the ticket details page and automatically scroll to the bottom
  • Click on the ticket log item that the admin received and click on the Reply button

    Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
  • Compose the ticket content
  • You can use the pre-defined Canned responses on the right
  • You can also add a ticket content to canned responses for further use by checking on Add To Canned Responses check box and choosing the Canned response Type
  • And click on the Reply button

How to forward a ticket

  • Go to CRM Portal >> Tickets >> Ticket Listing
  • Click the View Details Managing Workflow Engine Ticket icon

    Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
  • Click on the Question Subject that has the received Managing Workflow Engine Ticket icon >> Click the forward Managing Workflow Engine Ticket button to open the forward modal window
    • Select the tutor, enter the message if the message that admin received from a student

      Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
    • Preselect the student, enter the message that the admin received from the tutor.

      Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
    Click Send

How to delete a ticket

  • Go to CRM Portal >> Ticket Listing
  • Two situations can happen:
    • If the ticket has an assignment type
      • If this assignment has only one history (is very after submitted by the student) >> Go to /wiki/spaces/ANFBMS/pages/28737748 (the ticket will also be deleted)
      • If the assignment has more than one history
        >> A tooltip is shown when hovering on the delete Managing Workflow Engine Ticket icon and cannot delete the assignment

        Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
    • If not
      • If the ticket has more than one logs
        >> A tooltip is shown when hovering on the delete Managing Workflow Engine Ticket icon and cannot delete the ticket

        Managing Workflow Engine Ticket
      • If the ticket has only one log
        >> Go to ticket detail page and a popup message will be displayed

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

      • Click on the OK button on the pop-up to confirm delete
      • You can also click on the Delete button on the top right corner of the ticket details page to delete a ticket

How to reassign a ticket

  • Go to CRM Portal >> Ticket Listing
  • You can only reassign a ticket if the ticket has only one log.

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

  • Click on the Reassign icon to the left of a ticket
  • The assigned ticket pop-up is open

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

  • Select the workflow engine type
  • Click on the Assign/Question button to reassign
  • You can also click on the Reassign button on the top right corner of the ticket details page to reassign it. This button is only displayed if the ticket can be reassigned

How to mark a ticket as resolved or reopen it

  • Go to CRM Portal >> Ticket Listing
  • Click on Mark as Resolved icon to the left of a ticket that is open in order to resolve it.

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

  • Click on Reopen icon to the left of a ticket that is already resolved to reopen it.

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

  • You can also click on the Mark as resolved/Reopen button on the top right corner of the ticket details page to resolve/reopen it.

How to merge tickets

  • Go to CRM Portal >> Ticket Listing
  • Click on the Merge to existing ticket icon to the left of a ticket
  • The condition for merging:
    • The source and the target tickets must have the same type (or the source ticket has NO type - in this case, it can be merged into a ticket with any type)
    • Both tickets are NOT assignments. If you want to merge assignments please follow How to Add or Replace Assignment
    • Both must belong to the same Contact
    • And certainly, they have different IDs

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

  • The merge ticket popup will be displayed

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

  • Enter something about the ID, ticket subject or contact email of a ticket to filter the tickets and pick a target ticket
  • Click on the Merge button to merge the source ticket with the target ticket
  • After merging the target ticket will contain all logs of both tickets and the source ticket is deleted

How to lock a ticket

This function is to prevent multiple staff working on a ticket on the CRM portal simultaneously.

When a ticket is reviewing (go to ticket details page) by a staff, on the listing page there is a lock icon displayed on the left of the ticket, other function ions are hidden except detail icon

Managing Workflow Engine Ticket

And when going to the detail page of this ticket, you cannot do anything with the ticket. On the top right corner of the details page, the message "Ticket is reviewed by ..." is displayed instead of function buttons

How To Manage Canned Response

Who needs this documentation?

This how-to is for a staff (admin) who wants to manage (CRUD) the Canned Response

How to view the Canned response list

  • Go to CRM Portal>> Canned Responses

How To Manage Canned Response

How to create a new Canned Response

  • Go to CRM Portal>> Canned Responses
  • Click on Create New Canned Response button

How To Manage Canned Response

  • Enter the Content (Required)
  • Select Canned response type (Optional)
  • And click on Create button

    How To Manage Canned Response
  • The new Canned Response is created successfully
    How To Manage Canned Response

How to Edit/View Detail/Delete a Canned response

  • Go to CRM Portal>> Canned Responses
  • Click on Edit/View Detail/Delete icon to the left of a canned response

How To Manage Canned Response

Page ID is invalid. Please check the data again.

61 - Test Plan Merge Workflow Engine Ticket (PASS)

Target release  
JIRA issue  
Document status LIVE
Document owner Sang Nguyen (Unlicensed)
Developers Sang Nguyen (Unlicensed)
Enter your name  

(Use @ above to add someone by name)

What are we testing

  • Testing the Merging Workflow engine ticket function

Background and strategic fit

  • Merge a source ticket with a target ticket
  • Both do NOT have assignment type


  • Log in as administrator successfully
  • Go to CRM portal >> Ticket listing page


Test the merging function

Description Test Steps Expected Result Notes Actual Result Test By (use @) Date Notes
1 Test the merge icon is displayed correctly On the ticket listing page

The merge icon is only displayed to the left of a ticket if that ticket is NOT assignment


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

04 Aug 2016

2 Test the merging pop-up On the ticket listing page >> Click on a Merge to existing Ticket icon of a source ticket

The Merge ticket pop-up is displayed

  • #1 If the source ticket has a Questions type, the header of the popup is "Merge Questions Ticket"
  • #2 If the source ticket has no type, the header of the popup is "Merge Ticket"

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

04 Aug 2016

Pass to: #1

Fail: #2 - contradicts above - should not appear assignment type ticket.

Fail: #3 can not create a ticket with no type to test?


Hi, Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed),

About #2, now we do NOT allow creating assignment tickets anymore. And we also update the merge function, now we cannot merge assignment tickets.

About #3, when a NON-student sends an email to the assignment mailbox, the created ticket will have NO type.

Hope to see your response soon.


All looking good thanks,Toan Duong Manh (Unlicensed).

What was the reason that the merge was moved from assignment tickets? What if a student sends their assignments across two emails? Sorry, I am struggling to recall or find the history of this.



Hi, Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed),

For the assignment, we have a merge assignment function. You can see more here: /wiki/spaces/ANFBMS/pages/28737748


3 Test the choosing target ticket

On the merge ticket pop-up >> click on the To Ticket field >> Enter the Id or the ticket subject or the ticket contact email to

If there are any tickets contain the Id or the subject or have the contact email and satisfy the condition:

  • Have the same type as the source ticket or can have any type if the source ticket has NO type
  • NOT assignment
  • Belong to the same contact
  • And has a different Id than the source ticket

They will be showed


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

04 Aug 2016 This works well - thanks.
4 Test the merging function

Pick a target ticket from the list above

Click on the Merge button on the pop-up

  • The pop-up closes
  • Back to the listing page
  • A message "Merge Workflow Engine successfully." is displayed
  • The source ticket is deleted

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

04 Aug 2016  
5 Test the target ticket after merging On the ticket listing page >> Click on the View Details icon of the target ticket
  • Go to the target ticket details page
  • The target ticket logs now contain all the logs of the target and source ticket

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

04 Aug 2016  

Test Plan (Lock Tickets Which Are Reviewed) (PASS)

Target release  
JIRA issue ANFBMS-617 - JIRA project doesn't exist or you don't have permission to view it.
Document status LIVE
Document owner Hoang Vo (Unlicensed)
Developers Hoang Vo (Unlicensed)
Enter your name  

(Use @ above to add someone by name)

What are we testing

  • With a team of people working on a list of tickets, there is a chance 2 people may both work on the same ticket at the same time.
  • If a ticket is reviewed, then it cannot be edited by a second person.


  • Tester has 2 admin accounts for testing (if you just have one account then log in with a second account by and pass: 12345678)
  • Login as administrator successfully by using the first account.


Lock Tickets Which Are Reviewed

  Test Steps (Step by Step keystrokes of the actual test) Expected Result Actual Result Test By (use @) Date Notes
1 Go to Tickets > Ticket Listing List of tickets appears



Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

23 Jul 2016



Go to details of a ticket which type in question

Details screen appears



Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

23 Jul 2016

Details screen appears in NEW tab - which is great!

User another browser (or use a new incognito window)

Log in to the CRM portal by using your second admin accounts

Login successfully



Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

23 Jul 2016

4 Go to Tickets > Ticket Listing List of tickets appears



Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

23 Jul 2016

26 Jul 2016

The ticket listing does NOT appear on my laptop - but does appear on my PC - all other listings in the CRM work fine on my laptop...???

Unable to replicate the issue with multiple browsers - must have been a connection issue but we will keep a close eye on this.

5 Find the ticket which is reviewed by the contact in step 2

This ticket appears in the grid with the lock icon



Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

23 Jul 2016

26 Jul 2016


Hover to lock icon

A message appears to inform this ticket is reviewed by another person



Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

23 Jul 2016

26 Jul 2016

Yes, it tells you that the ticket is being reviewed by someone else - but it tells you the wrong person - I was logged in as "Louise Williams" and I opened the ticked - I then used another browser to log in as "Trowbridge" and as Trowbridge, it told me that a student was reviewing the ticket.
video showing replication of issue:



Click the lock icon

Open in a new tab the details page of the contact who is reviewing this ticket Pass

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

26 Jul 2016


Go to details of this ticket

A text is displayed to inform ticket is reviewed.

Can not reply, delete, merge etc..., just be able to view.


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

26 Jul 2016


Release Tickets After Reviewing

  (Step by Step keystrokes of the actual test) Expected Result Actual Result Test By (use @) Date Notes

Use the browser which is using your first account to login to CRM (the account which is reviewing tickets)

Close all browser tab which is reviewing the ticket

Close the browser tab which is reviewing the ticket successfully Pass

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

24 Jul 2016



Use the browser which is using your first account to login to CRM

Go to Tickets > Ticket Listing

The List of tickets appears Pass

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

24 Jul 2016


Find the ticket which is used for testing

This ticket appears in the grid without a lock icon


Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

24 Jul 2016

For some unexpected reasons, you need to wait about 1 or 2 minutes to release the ticket.

Louise Williams (Unlicensed),, in most instances person who has a locked ticket, will be marked as resolved anyway so won't appear back in the list if has been completed. Will only be an issue if being passed on to someone else for further review. I think it is okay so long as we are aware of system timing so we know what is going on. What do you think?

4 Go to the details page of this ticket Can reply, delete, merge etc... Pass

Belinda Sharp (Unlicensed)

24 Jul 2016


Test Plan Reopen/Resolve the ticket (PASS)

Target release  
JIRA issue  
Document status LIVE
Document owner Phung Dinh (Unlicensed)
Developers Phung Dinh (Unlicensed)
Enter your name  

(Use @ above to add someone by name)

What are we testing

  • Testing for mark as resolved the ticket
  • Testing for reopening the ticket


  • Login as administrator successfully


Testing for mark as resolved the ticket

  Test Steps (Step by Step keystrokes of the actual test) Expected Result Actual Result Test By (use @) Date Notes
1 Go to Tickets > Ticket Listing The ticket listing appears Pass Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

07 Jul 2016


Click on the Mark as Resolved icon

The message confirm appears Pass Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

07 Jul 2016

3 Click OK
  • The message mark as resolved successfully
  • The ticket item has been resolved
Pass Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

07 Jul 2016


Testing for reopening the ticket

  Test Steps (Step by Step keystrokes of the actual test) Expected Result Actual Result Test By (use @) Date Notes
1 Go to Tickets > Ticket Listing The ticket listing appears Pass Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

07 Jul 2016

2 On the search ticket > filter resolved The ticket listing with resolved appears Pass Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

07 Jul 2016


Click on the reopen icon

The message confirm appears

Pass Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

07 Jul 2016

4 Click OK
  • The message reopened successfully
  • The ticket item has been reopened
Pass Louise Williams (Unlicensed)

07 Jul 2016


How To Handle Bounces

Bounces Demo

Here's video demo

What is a bounce email?

When users want to handle bounce emails in the system.

When an email message cannot be delivered to an email address, it's called a bounce.

There are lots of different reasons why emails bounce so when it happens, a message is sent from the recipient's mail server to explain why.

Why you would use bounces handling

  • The system sends many emails for various functions
  • When email sending fails, has a bounce-back reply which can be seen in CRM
  • Staff identify what the issue is with the email (if possible) and edit the contact record

How To Handle Bounces Recommendation

  • We recommend having a stand-alone mailbox for bounce-back email processing because it will produce less time in processing emails

How to setup Bounce Back workflow engine mailbox and workflow engine type

  • Go to Admin > System Settings > Workflow Engine Mailboxes
How to handle Bounces
  • Click Create New Workflow Engine Mailbox
  • Put all of your mailbox information
  • Note: If you will use multiple mailboxes, set the name to Bounce Back so you easily identify what is the mailbox for a Bounce Back
How to handle Bounces
  • Click Save
  • Go to Admin > System Settings > Workflow Engine Types
How to handle Bounces
  • Click Create New Workflow Engine Type
  • Put all your Workflow Engine Type information
  • Note:
    • Do not forget to set the Workflow Engine Mailbox to the Bounce Back mailbox you created
    • Always be mindful of the Email To field because the system will get the domain of that email and use it as the receiver of the bounce back, in the image below the domain for the Email To field is (
How to handle Bounces
  • Click Save

How to setup Bounce Back Site Settings (Retired) 


How to review the list of bounced emails 

  • Go to Home > Settings > Bounces
  • A list of bounced emails appears. The default filter is 'Unresolved' to make staff easier for reviewing.
    How to handle Bounces
  • Click theHow to handle Bounces icon to go to the details page of a bounce
  • Click the How to handle Bounces icon to resolve a bounce.

How to review bounce emails for individual contact/ lead/ student/ tutor 

  • Go to the details page of a contact/ lead/ student or tutor.
  • Navigate to the bounces tab
  • A list of bounce emails for this contact appears. The default filter is 'Unresolved' to make staff easier for reviewing
How to handle Bounces
  • Click the How to handle Bounces icon to go to the details page of a bounce
  • Click theHow to handle Bounces icon to resolve a bounce.