Step 1 - Creating Your Content

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click Pages > Pages
  • 3
    I suggest finding a page that is similar to copy

    e.g.: page ID 15. So put 15 in the search space and hit enter (see below)

    creating your content

    I would suggest taking a look at how this content was created - look at all the elements of the content you want to re-create e.g. get your image ready to be the same size (456x256px in this instance) & prepare what you want the new content to say etc.
  • 4
    Edit the Page content you want to COPY
  • 5
    Hit the ‘source button’ and copy all the code in the Page Content you want to copy - then close the item down
  • 6
    Return to the Pages index and create your new Page Content by clicking on the yellow square as shown
    Create New Page
  • 7
    Your new page is the same as any other at this stage
  • 8
    Add your new page title
  • 9
    Put in the page description (for SEO) etc
  • 10
    Set the page status as online
  • 11
    When using the curly bracket Page content, you do not need to fill out the position on the page because you will be putting the item directly onto your chosen page using the curly brackets

    Important: Remove the page from site navigation by going to Advanced Settings at eh bottom of the page and un-checking or removing the arrow from site navigation - see image

  • 12
    Include Site Navigation box needs to be blank
    Create New Page
    Advance Settings
  • 12
    Click the Insert button to complete the config step, then click the OK button to finish.

Your new page content

  • 1
    Go to the content editor window
  • 2
    Hit ‘Source’, put your cursor inside the edit window and paste your saved code into the box.
  • 3
    Hit Source again to see your copied content
  • 4
    Now you can edit over this copied content with your new image/words etc.
  • 5
    Once contented - hit Create or Create and Continue to Edit