
Admin Menu Items

What is an Admin Menu?

These are the menus on the left side of every admin page, that will make the user navigate through different parts of the WebEd cloud Admin and CRM section.

Creating a new Admin Menu

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click on "Launch The Admin Module" after Logging in to your site
  • 3
    Go to Settings at the bottom of the left Menu
  • 4
    Click System Settings, then click Advanced Services
  • 5
    Select Admin Menu
  • 6
    Click Create New Menu
    Admin Menu
  • 7
    Enter Details of the Page
  • 8
    Input the new value in the correct format (separate each PartnerTypeID by a comma) then save.
    • Name - This is the word/text that will appear to represent the menu
    • Mode and Area - This is where the user can set which section the menu will appear
    • Parent - If the menu should be shown as part of the main navigation meaning it is not under any other menus then the parent should not be changed from --Select Parent--, if the menu was meant to be shown under a certain menu that already exists then that menu should be selected in this field
    • URL - URL of the menu (This is optional)
    • Controller - The controller of the menu in the back codes for example in the controller is always the last word after the last backslash in any URL in WebEd cloud admin or CRM. In the example given the controller is Events
    • Action - The action of the menu in the back codes to load the listings of any controller you can just type Index if not then, you should contact your system administrator to ask for the action of a certain controller
    • Icon - The icon that will appear beside the Name of the Menu
    • Visible - Check if you want the menu to be visible
    • Order - Position of the Menu, the lowest will be at the top and the highest will be at the bottom
    admin menu
  • 9
    Click Create button to apply changes made

Editing an Admin Menu

  • 1
    In the listing page, to edit a certain menu you will need to click the Edit button in the left-most part of your chosen Menu
    admin menu
  • 2
    Enter the details that you want to be changed
    • Name - This is the word/text that will appear to represent the menu
    • Mode and Area - This is where the user can set which section the menu will appear
    • Parent - If the menu should be shown as part of the main navigation meaning it is not under any other menus then the parent should not be changed from --Select Parent--, if the menu was meant to be shown under a certain menu that already exists then that menu should be selected in this field
    • URL - URL of the menu (This is optional)
    • Controller - The controller of the menu in the back codes for example in the controller is always the last word after the last backslash in any URL in WebEd cloud admin or CRM. In the example given the controller is Events
    • Action - The action of the menu in the back codes to load the listings of any controller you can just type Index if not then, you should contact your system administrator to ask for the action of a certain controller
    • Icon - The icon that will appear beside the Name of the Menu
    • Visible - Check if you want the menu to be visible
    • Order - Position of the Menu, the lowest will be at the top and the highest will be at the bottom
    admin menu
  • 3
    Click the Save button

Background Tasks

Why you would use a Background Tasks?

This module will allow a user to control the task and activity. It can be useful if the website will set a daily notification message to send onto subscribers or any kind of activity.

How to view all Background Tasks?

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click System Settings then select Background Tasks and a list of available tasks of the application display
    Background Tasks
  • 3
    An administrator can see the Last Running Time of any background task here
    Background Tasks

How to setup task

  • 1
    Click the config icon on the task you want to setup
    Background Tasks
  • 2
    An administrator can update the task with 2 modes:
    • Interval: running by an interval time (seconds)
    • Daily: running every day at a specific time
    Background Tasks
  • 3
    An administrator can Enable/Disable task
    Background Tasks
  • 4
    Click Save
  • 5
    A message displays to inform that Application settings had been changed and need to restart to apply the changes. Click Restart Application
    Background Tasks
  • 6
    Click OK to confirm
  • 7
    Your setting for the background task has been applied

How to set Background Task Logs Days Per View

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Go to Admin Module and click Settings on the left navigation/menu
  • 3
    Click System Settings then select Background Tasks
  • 3
    Search Background Task Logs Days Per View
    Background Tasks
  • 3
    Click the Edit icon
    background tasks
  • 3
    Change the value
    background tasks
  • 3
    Click Save or Save and Continue Edit
    • Click Save: back to the site setting listing and show message update successfully
      background tasks
    • Click Save and Continue Edit: keep page edit and show a message update successfully
      background tasks

How to View Logs

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Go to Admin Module and click Settings on the left navigation/menu
  • 3
    Click System Settings then select Background Tasks
    background tasks
  • 4
    Click View Logs in a row to view the log of the background task
    background tasks
    background tasks
  • 5
    Click the View More Logs button (if there are more logs to view)
    background tasks
  • 6
    Click on a log date item
    background tasks
  • 7
    Click the log date item in step 6 again
    background tasks

Ability to add specific client task

Setting Up Payment Methods

Why you would use a Payment Method?

Payment method allows a user to make payments using a variety of methods online.

Creating a Payment Method

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Go to Admin > Settings > Payment Methods
    Setup payment
  • 3
    Click Create New Payment Methods
    Setup Payment
  • 3
    Fill up the necessary fields:
    • Method Name - The name of your payment method
    • Friendly Name- assign a friendly name for this method
    • Payment Type - select a type of payment either credit card, Cash or etc..
    • Record Active - Select or check this option to activate this payment method
    • Record Order - The display and arrangement of payment method from the grid.
    Setup Payment

Payment Method Live and Sandbox Setup

  • 1
    Live and Sandbox Setup fields are the following:
    • Merchant ID - is a unique identification to a specific account.
    • Access Codes - are issued by agencies and unique characters or digits for making special transfers and payments to your account.
    • Secure key - a payment authentication from your account.
    • Invoice Prefix - to identify the type of Sales Invoice that has been issued.
    • URL API - the URL interface represents an object and variables to send data of payment.
    • URL refund API - the URL for the refund object and variables
    • Allow Additional Fee - check if you want to add a price or fee for this method.
    • Additional Fee - add a fee or price for this payment method.
    Setup Payment
  • 2
    For Sandbox setup there's an additional field for allowing to use "Sandbox" modes
    • Test Mode - tick to set the payment gateway to Sandbox
    • Live Mode - untick to set the payment gateway to live mode
    Setup Payment
  • 3
    Click Save

Updating the Site-Setting

Why you would use Site-setting management?

If a user wants to set up any of the website information or any reference like phone, maximum file uploads, and any kinds of important site settings this module can be very useful.

Changing the Site-Setting

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Go to the Admin module and click Settings on the left navigation/menu
  • 3
    Click Site Settings
  • 4
    Click on the Edit button to the left of a setting that needs to be changed
    Site Settings
    Site Settings
  • 5
    Change the values as you want and click Save
  • 6
    The site setting is updated successfully.

Updating Dealer License Number on Footer

What is a Dealer License Number?

  • A license number is found in permits issued by government agencies that allow individuals or companies to conduct business within the government's geographical jurisdiction.
  • It is the authorisation to start a business issued by the local government.

Managing the Edit License Number on a footer

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    On the left menu panel, go to Settings > Site Settings
    Updating Dealer License Number
  • 3
    A list will show - Look for Company Set up or type it in the Name Search Bar - then click on the Edit Button to the left of it.
    Updating Dealer License Number
  • 4
    The settings for this should appear. Go to the Dealer License Field and Add/Edit the License Number
    Updating Dealer License Number
  • 5
    After editing to the correct dealer license number - scroll down and click Save.
    Updating Dealer License Number

Partner Listing Type IDs for Citroen and Peugeot

Partner Listing Type IDs Overview

This page shows how to config those site settings and what they use for


CitroenPartnerListingTypeIDs and PeugeotPartnerListingTypeIDs are the string of PartnerTypeID separated by a comma.

Ex: 1,2,3 - mean PartnerTypeID == 1 or 2 or 3.


This setting is used to limit dealer listing in PCA connect. Only show partner location have partnertypeID in site setting value.

Changing a Partner ID value

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    On the left menu panel, go to Settings > Site Settings
    Citroen Partner Listing
  • 3
    Search with the keyword "Partner Listing" or scroll down to find
    Citroen Partner Listing
  • 4
    Click on the edit icon
    Citroen Partner Listing
  • 5
    Input the new value in the correct format (separate each PartnerTypeID by a comma) then save.
    Citroen Partner Listing

Canonical Tags

Canonical Tags Overview

This documentation shows how to edit the Canonical tag in the Site Settings and how to search for it on the page.

See it in action, watch the demo here.

Why you would use a site setting for the canonical tag?

Using a canonical tag ( rel="canonical" ) prevents problems caused by identical or "duplicate" content appearing on multiple URLs. There is a site setting in WebEd that you can update to set the URL for the site's canonical tag.

How to search for the canonical tag on a page

  • 1
    Load the page where you want to check the canonical tag
  • 2
    Right-click on the page and select "Inspect"
    Canonical Tags
  • 3
    Click Site Settings
  • 4
    Check the head tag of the page
  • 5
    Go to the head tag; the canonical tag is found on the of the page
    Canonical Tags
  • 6
    Expand the head tags and look for the canonical tag
  • 7
    Inside the attribute href, you will see the URL that is currently used for the page
    Canonical Tags

How to update a Canonical Tag

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Go to Admin > Settings
  • 3
    Select "Site Settings"
    Canonical Tags
  • 4
    Search for the canonical site setting
  • 5
    Under the "Search Curly Brackets" section on top, enter the keyword "canonical" on the first input field
  • 6
    Click the "Search" button on the right
  • 7
    After clicking the "Search" button, the "Configure canonical domain" site setting shall appear on the results grid
    Canonical Tags
  • 8
    Update the canonical site setting
  • 9
    Click the "Edit" icon on the left
    Canonical Tags
    Canonical Tags
  • 10
    On the "Value" field, enter the URL for the canonical tag
    Canonical Tags
  • 11
    Click the "Save" button to save the update. This change shall be applied to all pages.
  • 12
    There will be a notification on top that says "Site setting updated successfully".
    Canonical Tags

Managing Email Accounts

This part of the user guide will show you how to manage your email accounts.

Why do you need an email account?

The email account will serve as a default FROM email account when sending email notifications.

Creating a new email account

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click Settings
  • 3
    Click Email Settings and select Email Accounts
  • 4
    Click Create New Email Account
    Managing Email Accounts
  • 5
    Input information for the new email account
    • Email - This is the email address of the email account
    • Display Name - This is the display name on the email notification
    • Host - This is the host server where the emails messages and stored files are stored
    • Port
      • 25 – this is the default SMTP non-encrypted port;
      • 2525 – this port is opened on all SiteGround servers in case port 25 is filtered (by your ISP for example) and you want to send non-encrypted emails with SMTP;
      • 465 – this is the port used if you want to send messages using SMTP securely.
    • Enable SSL - tick this to enable SSL
    • Timeout -
    • Use Default Credentials - Tick this to set the email account as the default email account
    • Username -
    • Password -
    Managing Email Accounts
  • 6
    Apply Changes
    • Create - Click the 'Create' button to save the changes. This action saves the changes, closes the page, and redirects you to the back to the list page. You will see a note above that it is successfully created.
    • Create and Continue Edit - Click the 'Create and Continue Edit' button to save the changes. This action saves the changes but lets you stay on the page.
    • Reset - Click the 'Reset' button to start over. This action refreshes the page and shows the current event information. The changes will not be saved.

Set an email account as the default account

Only one default account in the system is used to send an email. To mark an email account as default, please follow the steps below:

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click Settings
  • 3
    Click Email Settings and select Email Accounts
  • 4
    Click Mark As Default Account on the email account user wants to set as default.
    The current default account doesn't have this icon.
    Managing Email Accounts

Editing an Email Account

Only one default account in the system is used to send an email. To mark an email account as default, please follow the steps below:

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click Settings
  • 3
    Click Email Settings and select Email Accounts
  • 4
    Click Edit on an email account
    Managing Email Accounts
  • 5
    Update information on the existing email account
    • Email - This is the email address of the email account
    • Display Name - This is the display name on the email notification
    • Host - This is the host server where the emails messages and stored files are stored
    • Port
      • 25 – this is the default SMTP non-encrypted port;
      • 2525 – this port is opened on all SiteGround servers in case port 25 is filtered (by your ISP for example) and you want to send non-encrypted emails with SMTP;
      • 465 – this is the port used if you want to send messages using SMTP securely.
    • Enable SSL - tick this to enable SSL
    • Timeout - This is the time until the server refuses to send the email
    • Use Default Credentials - Tick this to set the email account as the default email account
    • Username - This is the username if the SMTP server requires credential
    • Password - This is the password if the SMTP server requires credential
  • 6
    Apply Changes
    • Save - Click the 'Save' button to save the changes. This action saves the changes, closes the page, and redirects you to the back to the list page. You will see a note above that it is updated successfully.
    • Save and Continue Edit - Click the 'Save and Continue Edit' button to save the changes. This action saves the changes but lets you stay on the page.
    • Reset - Click the 'Reset' button to start over. This action refreshes the page and shows the current event information. The changes will not be saved.

Deleting an Email Account

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click Settings
  • 3
    Click Email Settings and select Email Accounts
  • 4
    Click Delete on an email account
    Managing Email Accounts
  • 5
    Click OK on the popup modal 'Are you sure you want to delete this email account? This action can not be undone.'
    Managing Email Accounts
  • 6
    Click OK on the popup "Email account deleted successfully."

View the Details and Email Queues/Sent of an Email Account

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click Settings
  • 3
    Click Email Settings and select Email Accounts
  • 4
    Click View Details on an email accounts
    Managing Email Accounts
  • 5
    You are now able to view the details of the Email Account
    Managing Email Accounts

Email Account Site Settings

Additional Information:

To go to Site Settings, follow the steps below :

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Click Settings
  • 3
    Click Site Settings
  • 4
    Search the Settings you wish to update

Match Email Account By Email Address

  • 1
    There is a site setting "Match Email Account By Email Address". If this setting is True, the Email Account will be picked up Email Address.
  • 2
    The default value for this issue is False. If the setting is False, the Email Account will be the Default Email Account.
    Managing Email Accounts

Use Email Pickup Folder

  • There is a site setting called "Use Email Pickup Folder".
  • This site setting has 2 fields, the enable/disable and the directory path. They already have default values set.
  • If this setting is True, the email processor will use a Pickup Directory rather than an SMTP account.
  • The default value for this is False.
  • You can also specify the folder that will be used to put the emails that will be generated. An external program will process them and this will remove some load from the web app.
Managing Email Accounts

Editing Email Templates

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    On the left side menu panel, go to Settings > Email Templates
  • 3
    A list of Templates will then show
    Email Templates
  • 4
    Look for the Template you want to Revise/Edit. Click on Edit on the left icons (the one in the middle)
    Email Templates
  • 4
    The Email Template details will then show. Scroll to the bottom and edit the text details in the body. Once done click on Save.
    Email Templates

Managing Vehicle Request More Info Site Setting

Vehicle Request Info Setting

After the user submits the form, the system needs to send information to the email addresses set up in this setting.

  • Log in as Administrator in the admin module.
  • Go to Site settings by selecting: Settings > Site Settings, then search for Vehicle Request More Info

Vehicle Request

  • Click the Edit icon to edit the settings

Vehicle Request

Description: the description of the setting
Request More Info Success Message: This text will display after the form submit
Request More Info Email Address: List email addresses will receive form information, each email separate by comma or semicolon
Email Template: The template will send to a list of Email Addresses

Press Save or Save And Continue Edit to save

Configurating an Email Template

  • Edit email template
    • In the left menu, select Settings > Email Templates
    • List email templates will list in the grid
  • Vehicle Request
  • Find Request More Info Email Template
  • Vehicle Request
  • Click the Vehicle Requesticon to edit the email template
    • Name: Name of email template
    • Subject: The subject of the email will send to list emails in Request More Info Email Address in site settings.
    • From: Send From Email address
    • From Name: The name to be displayed in the From field in the email
    • CC, BCC: The list of the email address/es that also needs to receive the Request More Info email and separate them by comma or semicolon
    • Body: Content of email template. Admin can be added more fields by clicking on Add Property button
  • Create a new email template
    Click Add New Email Template button to create
    Choose Email Template Type is AutoResponse in the select box
  • Vehicle Request
  • Enter other information then press Create or Create And Continue Edit button to save.
    A new email template will display in the grid

  • Vehicle Request
  • Now, go back to Site Settings and then edit the Vehicle Request More Info setting.
    In the Email Template dropdown will display the new email template just created from the previous step

Vehicle Request

Reference video

Privacy Policy Page Link

To update the Privacy Policy Page link follow the steps below.

  • 1
    Logged in as an admin go to the "Site Settings"
  • 2
    Search for "Privacy Policy Page Link"
  • 3
    Click the edit icon to update
  • 4
    Fill in the URL field with your site's Privacy Policy page link.
    Note: Use an absolute path even when the page is an internal link, since this will also be used on Email Templates to avoid error in the future.
    Site Setting Management
  • 5
    Click "Save" or "Save and Continue Edit" to apply changes.