2. Changing the Site Settings

  • 1
    Uncheck the box to display vehicles without images as well
    vehicles not showing
  • 2
    Click the "Save" button at the bottom of the page
    vehicles not showing
  • 3
    You will see the message "Site Setting updated successfully" which indicates you have successfully made your update.
    vehicles not showing
  • 4
    You should now be able to see the vehicles without images on your website
  • 5
    Previous results on your page:
    vehicles not showing
  • 6
    After making the change:
    vehicles not showing

Please be advised: The box is checked by default as best practice. If you change this setting, customers may end up getting frustrated because they can read the details of the vehicles but cannot see images, which is why it is recommended that your page only shows vehicles with images. If you want all your vehicles to have images displayed, please contact your data provider to push the images for us to be able to receive them during import and display them on your site, without you having to change this setting.