You can search for contacts by entering part of their name, email address, phone or mobile into the Name field
Matching contacts will start to appear as you type
Click any contact to jump directly to the contact
Or use the Search Button to display a listing of all matching contacts
You can use the other filters such as Company Types, Companies, suburb, state, etc, then click the Search button
Advanced Search
You can also search using the advanced search. This will display additional
If you have setup campaign codes or products of interest in your forms, you can see the available options listed
In the Search Contacts section, click the "Advanced Search" link on the bottom right, just above the Search/Clear buttons
Upon clicking on the "Advanced Search" link, you are presented with additional filters you can use for searching
Note: These filters are in use in the existing forms and will show the results of contacts who submitted the forms that use the corresponding filter selected.