1Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
Learn how to log in here → -
2Go to Admin > Site Settings > Vehicle Settings > Click to show value.
Only Display Vehicle Has Images | Only display the vehicle that has an image. If a stock code has no images, it will not be displayed. |
true = hide all vehicles without images false = allow no image vehicle to be shown |
Manually Import Vehicle | Enable the Vehicle import feature in the Admin module Vehicle Index page |
true = Import button is shown false = Import button is hidden |
Uploaded Data File Directory | where the vehicle import will find and read import fil |
/Uploads |
Vehicle Images Directory | where vehicle import check and import images |
/Images |
Logs Directory | Record file path log. |
/Logs |
Backup Directory |
Record file path backups. |
/Backups |
No Vehicle Image | Image used when a vehicle image cannot be found. |
/NoImage.jpg |
Imported File Name | The name of the imported file. | NameFile.tsv |
Days Prior Remove Backup Files | Files in the backup directory that have been created for several days will be deleted. If it is zero, that means no delete. |
0 |
Days Prior Remove Uploaded Images |
Uploaded vehicle images that have been modified for several days will be deleted. If it is zero, that means no delete |
90 |
Days Prior Remove Old Images | Vehicle images that have been modified for several days will be deleted. If it is zero, that means no delete |
90 |
Dealer Site URL | Site of Dealer. This will be shown on vehicle details in the dealer contact section | |