
Notifications Overview

Notifications allow you to quickly update any contacts in your database about new content or updates to your website. You can select contacts or groups of contacts to notify and a link to the new content. This will ensure new content is published and key contacts are advised of the new content.

Send Notifications from the Edit Page

  • Go to WebEd 9 site and log in as Administrator
  • Go to any page and click Edit or Create New Page notifications
  • Check the Notify Contacts optionnotifications
  • Click the "Update and Continue Edit" or "Update And Close" button to save changes

Search the Contacts to Notify

Basic Search


Advanced search

  • Enter search conditions, and click Search button to find matching contacts
  • Click OK to add contacts and query search to this Notification
  • A confirmation message will be displayed at the top right and a search will display.
  • Search for more contacts:
    • repeat the above steps using different criteria until you have selected and added all the contacts required
  • After you have completed adding contacts, click Done Selecting Contacts
  • Add a message to go to the Select Template step

Setup the Notification Template

  • Select any existing template in the drop-down list
  • Modify the email subject
  • Modify the Email Body
  • Click the Go to Save Configuration button to save the template and go to the next step

Saving Configuration

  • Add new Contact Filter Name
  • Enter a Notification Template Name
  • Optionally set a Date and Time to send the Notification.

Click Send Notification button to continue

Confirmation Configuration

A new confirm popup will be displayed.

If all information is correct, click Send Notification to finish.

Click the Cancel button to close confirm popup and modify information for previous steps.


Sending Notifications from Admin

Select the Contacts for Notifications Broadcasting

  • Log in as administrator.
  • In the left menu, select Contacts > Contact Listing
  • Select conditions to search

Add contact(s) to Notifications Broadcasting group

  • After clicking the Search button, contact(s) will be displayed in the grid.
  • Click Add To Group button to add contact(s) in the grid to the group

Set the Contacts Group

  • Select Type is New (save to new group) and enter the group name in the textbox Name, then click Add button.
  • Select Type is Existing (save to existing group) and select the group name in a select box, then click Add button.

  • Update contact(s) for group:

Number Step Description
1 In the left menu, select Contacts > Contact Groups
  • The list of contact groups will be displayed in the grid
2 Update contact(s) - Click refresh icon to update contact(s)
  • Go to the detail of the group and click the Refresh button in the top right corner
notificationsnotificationsClick OK button in confirm popup to update

How to create, edit and delete Notification Template in Admin Dashboard

  • Go to the WebEd site and log in as Administrator
  • Go to Admin Dashboard >> Modules >> Notifications >> Templates and select your suitable action in the 1st column or select Create New Template


Subscribe to Automatic Updates

Subscribe to Automatic Updates Overview

The notifications module allows your site visitors to register for updates to sections of your website

Why you would use a Notify Me Module?

Notify Me Module is a very useful step to increase your visitors/reader base and for your information. It will deliver a report through a subscriber at a specific time or in response to an event or site update.

Subscribe to a Page

Subscribe to Automatic Updates

Adding Notify Me to a Page

How to add Subscription Curly bracket in Page Templates

- Go to the Admin page and log in using your username and password correctly.
- In Admin >> Page Content >> Look and Feel >> Page Templates.
  • Every page has "Tell me when this page is updated" text at the end of the page and test the
    Tell me about updates
    curly bracket.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Click More and search with the Sub keyword
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Click Subscription icon
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • The curly bracket will be inserted into the content
Subscribe to Automatic Updates

How to configure the Background Tasks

  • Go to Admin >> System Settings >> Background Tasks and click the config icon of Subscription Directly Task or Subscription Nightly Task and change the time
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Click Edit to configure and Set Subscription Nightly Task in two ways:
  • Select Schedule type is Interval and then set Interval value: Background tasks will be running following this value
  • Select Schedule type is Daily and then set Start Time: Background tasks will be daily running following this value
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Go to Homepage, Click "Notify Me". The popup will display on the page.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Then Input the email address you want to Notify and click Subscribe button.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Go to Homepage, Edit and check to Notify Subscriber and input notify data.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Email is sent to the subscriber with Homepage notification data after 60 seconds.
    Now you go to the e-mail box to check Subscription.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • The Nightly Task that sends data to the subscriber on the page is updated.
  • When you click to unsubscribe in Email. It takes you to the redirect page "Stop Notifying me when content is updated" and subscriptionAction will be prompted for confirming the removal of update notifications then This page is deactivated from the user's "Notify Me".
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • After the submitted Subscribe button, you will see the text at the bottom change to "You will be notified when this content changes. Remove"
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Go to the Admin site and see the left menu: Click on Modules » Subscription.
    - Subscription is shown, 1 ACTIVE and 1 DEACTIVED with the deactivated date when you test the Unsubscribe Date Record function.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates

How to define the message Notify Me by an administrator

  • Go to Admin >> System Setting >> International Settings >> Languages and click the Edit Resource link.
    Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Next, you search with Keyword "subscription" and Edit to update the message
Subscribe to Automatic Updates

Notification email and tell a friend to share via social

  • Ensures users can elect to be notified once per day for updates or multiple times per day when updating
  • Allow users to change their own "Notify Me" as they see fit through a user "Notify Me" interface
  • When emails are sent to subscribers they will be presented with options to tell a friend, share via social Media
  • This means each time a page is updated a notification email is sent to the subscribers
  • Change the way to receive a subscription
  • Enter your email and select the Directly option
Subscribe to Automatic Updates

Add or remove Share options

  • Go to Admin >> Modules >> Subscriptions >> Subscription Templates and click the Edit icon.

Modifying the Subscription Template

    • Copy an "LI" element and paste it inside the "UL" element then apply the colour property inside the "a" element for a new option.
    • Delete an "LI" element to remove a share option.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates

Adding more Share options

    • May add other share options with URL structure as an image below.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Replace href for new social network want to add.
  • Replace [TITLE] by @item.Page.Title, replace [URL] by @item.ViewUrl
  • Press the Save button to save the template.
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Edit page content as the guide above, press Save then check your inbox email after 60 seconds. You received an e-mail.
  • The content of the email should look like this:
Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • How to Enable/Disable Subscription feature

  • First, go to Admin Dashboard: Settings >> Site Settings
  • Search the keyword in the Subscription Configuration textbox and click the Search button, then click the Edit icon on the grid to edit the setting
    Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Second, go to detail setting to disable/enabled subscribers' notifications then click Save to update Subscribe to Automatic Updates
  • Finally, go to the homepage and click edit on the right page to check the notification configuration.
  • The edit popup will appear on the page, check box Notify Subscribers and textbox are not showing
Subscribe to Automatic Updates