Display the syndicated content on your websites

  • 1
    Log in as an administrator and go to the Admin Dashboard.
    Learn how to log in here →
  • 2
    Edit the page where you want to display your syndicated content
  • 3
    Click on the curly bracket icon on the page editor toolbar
    Syndicated Content
  • 4
    Search for Syndicated Content curly bracket
    Syndicated Content
  • 5
    On the configuration window, enter the Page ID of your syndicated page (you can check this on the central site)
    Syndicated Content
  • 6
    Wait for the preview to load
  • 7
    Once you're certain that this is the page, click on the Insert button at the bottom of the window
  • 8
    On your Page editor, you will notice that the curly bracket(s) have been added
    Syndicated Content
  • 9
    Save the page as usual
  • 10
    Let the page reload and check the update
    Syndicated Content