Admin Module

To enter the admin module, follow the steps below:
  • 1
    Log in to your admin account using this guide - Logging In
  • 2
    Click on "Launch The Admin Module"
    Admin Module
  • 3
    Once clicked, the Admin Module will look like this
    Admin Module

This main page of the Admin Module consists of 10 main menu tabs across the top with each of the sub-menus underneath.

This page is where you can make changes to your site by choosing the right module from the sub-menus, which is achieved by rolling your mouse over a main menu tab across the top and the sub menus will then be displayed underneath.

Menu Description

The WebEd Dashboard is mostly consist of your analytics data in real time. Below is a sample of the dashboard without the analytics linked to the dashboard.

dashboard image

This menu mainly consist of the structure, styles, and scripts for the pages

Here is the example when you selected the section, in here you will see the following, the styles, page template, body template, and the custom scripts

appearance image
File Manager

Through this module users can easily upload and manage files such as images, documents and other business related materials for their website.

Media Manager
Media Manager
  • Any pages that created within WebEd is in this Menu
  • Menu items thats currently in this cms are all in here
  • Any tags that you want to add to their corresponding pages are also in this section
tickets image
  • It helps on organizing your curly brackets data
  • Its a way to access the modules that you need
  • It saves the module data that you want to show to your website
tickets image