If you don't have an administrator access, you won't be able to edit the site's content. Have your consultant or site administrator create one for you.
1Browse to any page on your site you have rights to edit
2Find the lock icon (normally in the footer)
3Mouse over the lock (the lock will change colour) and click to display the login box
4In the login box pop up, enter details below :
5Enter your username (normally an email address) into the first field
6Enter your password into the second field
7Click the Login button
8You can also select remember me if you want your username to auto populate next time
9Once you have logged in, you will be presented with 2 options
10Manage Your Website (most users should select this option) will take you to the page requested - This
11option will allow you to edit the pages if you have admin rights or allow you access to secured pages
12Launch the Admin Module takes you to additional admin rights for working with other modules - This
13option is not needed for editing content, content can be edited from any page once logged in
14Logout logs you out of the site
Here's video tutorial on Logging In to WebEd or on the WebEd Training Video Tutorials